Wednesday, November 16, 2011


4th grade doors are the BOMB!!!We had a door dectorating contest for "Red Ribbon Week",and it was so fun.Mrs.B's class won, no big deal,they chose to do aliens.We,Mrs.A's class,chose to do a ribbon made out of our pictures and words that read "It's Up To Me Too Be Drug Free!!!"  Mrs V's class had stripes and ribbons-CUTE!!!! Even though only one class won, it was still a BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mrs.B's Door!!!


Mrs.V's Door!!!

True Words!!!

Working Hard!!!

People Who Worked Hard On Mrs.A's Door

Blog Post Editor

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Red Ribbon week

Blog Post Editor

Red Ribbon week was to show that Halstead Middle school is drug free. The older kids put signs on the walls and had activities for the kids to do. The kids had fun dressing up for red ribbon week. We all got pencils and bracelets. All the classes got to decorate their doors. I think all the kids had fun.

Fun with rats

The teachers let me come in at recess and play with the rats. The rats were not as I thought they would be. They were fuzzy,soft,cute,and funny. My partner and I loved the rats. They were so fun we just loved them. My favorite ,Cream, was tan I liked Cookie to. That is my story about the rats.

This is Cookie sleeping

This is Cookie in the chair

This is Cream in the chair also

Blog post editor

Class Zoo

Our classroom has some class pets. We have a hippo named hepta a hexbug named hexy and a dog named pent . They are so cute. Hexy lives in a hexagon this is how we remember hexagons. How we remember hepta is that we remember that a hippo weigh seven tons.  How you remember pent is that pent has a dog house in the shape of a pentagon.

This is hepta the hippo

This is pent

This is pent in his dog house

This is pent and hepta in the dog house and hexy in his hexagon

This is hexy in his hexagon
Blog Editor

Kids Read All The Way To Hall Of Fame!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ms. Bohling a 4th grade teacher at Halstead  Middle School came up with an amazing idea  to get kids motivated about reading. It's HALL OF FAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kids have to read at least 2 books each 9 weeks. There are many levels to hall of fame. The first level is college you have to read 2 books in this level for the first 9 weeks. You have a new level every 9 weeks. There are 2 extra levels veteran and hall of fame. If you finish all the levels you get a prize.


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This is the sheet that tells us what to do.

Mrs.A's class

Mrs.B's class
Mrs.V's class

Monday, October 24, 2011

Anti Bully Awareness Week

  It is Anti Bully Awareness Week at Halstead Middle School and the moto is be a buddy not a bully.The school counselor is trying to end bullying at our school and we all try to help her.There are certain stuff you do, they put up posters that tell you what you do each day of the week.She comes in to each classroom and shows you different types of bullying like cyber bullying.By the end of the week we should have bullying gone.

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Camp Read

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If you read two books and passed college level you got to go to camp read. Camp read is where you got to  bring a book, snack, flashlight, pillow and blanket. You could share books and read with a friend.  The teacher had lots of Halloween books.
I thouht it was relaxing.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

personal narrative time.

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Mrs. Bohling`s  class have been working on personal narratives. They have been doing an awesome job. They are publishing right now (awesome) and there are wonderful people who let me take pictures of them.  Thier pictures are next above or below their work.
these two are revising
graphic organiser
more revising

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Music Videos Take 2!

My rock stars have been at it again.  This time each class preformed a different video related to data landmarks. These days are oh so fun!  I love to see that energy! :)

Mrs. Vermillion's Class created their own actions to "Mean, Mode Median" from our Rockin' the Standards CD. Here they are:

Mean Mode Median
Music by Ben Jacobs, Lyrics by Tim Bedley
I have a set of numbers so let’s now begin
The mean is the average, Add ‘em then divide
The mode is most often, and it’s easiest to find
Median is the middle, won’t have any trouble
Just line ‘em up big to little
Pick the number in the middle
Woo, That’s mean, mode, median!
Mean Mode Median (Average, Often, Middle Number)

Music Videos Take 2!

Mrs Bohling's class decided that they wanted to write their own lyrics to the tune of Mary Had A Little Lamb.  Here they are:
Maximum and minimum, minimum, minimum

Maximum and minimum…subtract to find the range

Median is in the middle, in the middle, in the middle

Median is in the middle…lined up all in order

Mode is the most popular, popular, popular

Mode is the most popular …you see it there the most.

Mean is the most difficult, difficult, difficult,

Mean is the most difficult…add them then divide

Blog Post by Mrs. A

Music Videos Take 2!

Mrs. Alvarez's class took a chant that was created last year, learned the actions and then preformed it.
Here they are:

We know the minimum, maximum and the range.

It’s the littlest, biggest, then find the dif.

Median, median, he’s our man

Put ‘em all in order, and the middle can be found.

Mode, mode what do you say?

We’re the most popular, and we’re here to stay

Mean, mean so very mean

Add ‘em all together and THEN divide. 

Blog Post by Mrs. A

Scientists at Work

Students are using science inquiry skills in Mrs. Vermillion's science class. They are observing, comparing, ordering, and categorizing objects in cooperative learning groups.