Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Music Videos Take 2!

My rock stars have been at it again.  This time each class preformed a different video related to data landmarks. These days are oh so fun!  I love to see that energy! :)

Mrs. Vermillion's Class created their own actions to "Mean, Mode Median" from our Rockin' the Standards CD. Here they are:

Mean Mode Median
Music by Ben Jacobs, Lyrics by Tim Bedley
I have a set of numbers so let’s now begin
The mean is the average, Add ‘em then divide
The mode is most often, and it’s easiest to find
Median is the middle, won’t have any trouble
Just line ‘em up big to little
Pick the number in the middle
Woo, That’s mean, mode, median!
Mean Mode Median (Average, Often, Middle Number)

Music Videos Take 2!

Mrs Bohling's class decided that they wanted to write their own lyrics to the tune of Mary Had A Little Lamb.  Here they are:
Maximum and minimum, minimum, minimum

Maximum and minimum…subtract to find the range

Median is in the middle, in the middle, in the middle

Median is in the middle…lined up all in order

Mode is the most popular, popular, popular

Mode is the most popular …you see it there the most.

Mean is the most difficult, difficult, difficult,

Mean is the most difficult…add them then divide

Blog Post by Mrs. A

Music Videos Take 2!

Mrs. Alvarez's class took a chant that was created last year, learned the actions and then preformed it.
Here they are:

We know the minimum, maximum and the range.

It’s the littlest, biggest, then find the dif.

Median, median, he’s our man

Put ‘em all in order, and the middle can be found.

Mode, mode what do you say?

We’re the most popular, and we’re here to stay

Mean, mean so very mean

Add ‘em all together and THEN divide. 

Blog Post by Mrs. A

Scientists at Work

Students are using science inquiry skills in Mrs. Vermillion's science class. They are observing, comparing, ordering, and categorizing objects in cooperative learning groups.

We've got spirit yes we do...

Wow!  We had wonderful participation for spirit week! 4th graders ROCK!!!  I just wish I had more pictures to show all of the awesomeness!

Hippie Day

Pink Day

Crazy Day

Post by: Mrs. A

Fun at the state fair!

What a GREAT day!  It is always so much fun to get out of the classroom and experience the world first hand.  There is so much to learn at the fair.  When we went in the sign said, "Kansas's largest outdoor classroom".  I would have to agree with that 100%.  So much to see and do. 

Each group was able to choose what to see and do.  I think they all made the most of their day!

I also want to say THANK YOU to all of our volunteers.  We would not have been able to go without you. 

Pictures courtesy of Mrs. Millspaugh (thanks!)

Posted by: Mrs. A

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Circle Constructions

4th graders have been learning about the properties of a circle through the use of compasses.  We made three different circle constructions.

First, we made a square inscribed in a circle.  You make a circle and fold it in quarters.  Next, connect the fold lines to make a square.  And by the way, does anyone know how you could use a compass to check to see if all 4 sides of a square in congruent? 

Dart boards are a great way to practice concentric circles (Circles that share the same mid point)

Congruent intersecting circles can be lots of fun.  It was just hard to remember not to change the size of our compass.  We also found out that cutting circles neatly is REALLY hard work :)


Post by Mrs. A

Rockin' Out

Sorry for the delay in posting these videos.  I was having some issues with the size of the files.  Thanks Anne Roach for your help!!

Who knew learning about quadrilaterals could be so silly?!  Each class was divided into groups and assigned a shape.  They were in charge of creating their own movements to help others remember the properties of that shape.  They also were asked to come up with a "freestyle" dance move that some how incorporated the number four to show that quadrilaterals always have four sides.  The video's are a little blurry but look closly for the fours.  It was so much fun to see the kids come out of their shell.  It was obvious they felt safe and comfortable with each other.  I don't know who had more fun...them or me.

They videos are posted separately below

Vermillion- Quadrilateral Dance

Mrs. Vermillion's Homeroom

Bohling- Quadrilateral Dance

Mrs. Bohling's Homeroom

Alvarez- Quadrilateral Dance

Mrs. Alvarez's Homeroom

Monday, September 19, 2011


Welcome to our blog!  This is a place for all of you to find out what is going on in our classroom.  I plan to update it off and on, but mostly it will be the responsibility of the students.  We will have a blog editor from each class that will be responsible for taking pictures and writing the post.  They are allowed to choose anything that we have been doing here at school that they would like to share about.  I am excited to see what they have in store for us.  We will also be talking about internet safety including some do's and don'ts  for blogging.  Please check back often and leave comments.  The students LOVE to see comments on their work!!  If you would like, there is even an option on the right hand side to subscribe to the blog.  This will generate an email to you whenever a new post is published.
Post by : Mrs. A