Mrs. Vermillion's Class created their own actions to "Mean, Mode Median" from our Rockin' the Standards CD. Here they are:
Mean Mode Median
Music by Ben Jacobs, Lyrics by Tim Bedley
I have a set of numbers so let’s now begin
The mean is the average, Add ‘em then divide
The mode is most often, and it’s easiest to find
Median is the middle, won’t have any trouble
Just line ‘em up big to little
Pick the number in the middle
Woo, That’s mean, mode, median!
Mean Mode Median (Average, Often, Middle Number)
Music by Ben Jacobs, Lyrics by Tim Bedley
I have a set of numbers so let’s now begin
The mean is the average, Add ‘em then divide
The mode is most often, and it’s easiest to find
Median is the middle, won’t have any trouble
Just line ‘em up big to little
Pick the number in the middle
Woo, That’s mean, mode, median!
Mean Mode Median (Average, Often, Middle Number)